Super human potential - mind over matter

COMmANd your Destiny

control Breath body

take control of your body, reset your mind & adrenalin systems. effective breathing techniques. reduce stress

emotional Mental freedom

understand your mind, overcome & remove stress, anxiety, pain & old emotions. change your perception.
free yourself

the Breath technique - wim hof

Power in Practice

origins of superhuman Awakening

breathing techniques

military 'box' breath technique

the Physiological Sigh technique 2:00

rest and digest breath

Joe Rogan podcast interviews

Wim Hoff on
Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan Episode 712 WIF HOFJoe Rogan Episode 865 WIF HOF

fast eft

you're stuck with yourself, so you might as well be friends with yourself

You will have the freedom to live longer you will have the freedom from pain, you will have the freedom to feel more loved

Emotional Freedom technique

1 eft overcome emotion

3 overcome anxiety take back control

2How to tap

4 tips - 'aiming'

Im a dynamic person who’s always learning and improving.

Memories can heal or kill you , its your choice!

magic to reality - freedom to change how you feel

Unconscious decisions & patterns creating painful ‘safety’ (can be changed)

How the mind heals the body.
how to harness this incredible power

what to say for eft

how eft works

Memories buried alive never dieattain Full emotional control

Everything inside of you is really you

Make Affirmations Work

How to Stop Hating Yourself 2:10

How to stop the worry

How to get rid of a headache

Roberts tapping secrets


Prevail over ptsd

emotional conditioning - stong emotions are trance

fast eft website link

fast eft youtube link